1 research outputs found

    Multi AGV Communication Failure Tolerant Industrial Supervisory System

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    Hoje em dia, em muitos ambientes industriais que utilizam vários robots, existe o problema de controlar o tráfego. Para se controlar o tráfego é preciso planear caminhos seguros, evitar os chamados deadlocks e estar imune a falhas de rede. O objetivo deste projeto consiste em implementar um sistema supervisor que controle esse tráfego, ou seja, seja capaz de detetar as falhas de rede, detetar desvios nas rotas dos robôs e replanear se necessário. O sistema de planeamento de trajetórias é o TEA*, um algoritmo A* mas que entra com a noção de tempo.The use of multi AGV implies an optimisation of traffic control. Several approaches focus on a trajectory planning method that guarantees an efficient and safe coordination of multi AGV. However, many fail to detect, treat and prevent the possible failure and delay in the communication between the AGV and the control platform. These faults can result in possible deadlock situations and collisions. In environments where communication faults are common, we might face a decrease of efficiency. Therefore, the aim of this project is to implement a supervisory system that controls the traffic of a fleet of AGV by being able to detect communication faults, delays in the communication, deviations in the routes of the robots and re-plan trajectories if necessary. For this purpose, the algorithm TEA*, an A* based algorithm (a graph search algorithm) with time notion, will be used to keep the efficiency and allow time optimisations